Promoting grounded theory in nonprofit research
CORD Fellow Danbi Seo co-organized a successful colloquium on the grounded theory approach in nonprofit research for the 53rd annual ARNOVA conference. Sponsored by the Theory, Issues, and Boundaries Section (TIBS), the colloquium provided an overview of grounded theory principles, findings from Seo and co-organizer Tamaki Onishi’s systematic literature review of studies published in nonprofit journals, insights from scholars, and interactive discussions between panel and audience with CORD Affiliate and discussant Jaclyn Piatak. The organizers aim to encourage more use of grounded theory among nonprofit scholars--building on ideas and concepts that emerge from the data--given the diversity and orientation toward practice in the nonprofit third sector.
Appreciation for this ARNOVA24 session goes as well to panelists Genevieve G. Shaker (Indiana University), CORD Affiliate Alisa Moldavanova (University of Delaware), and Shawn Flanigan (San Diego State University).